World of Warcraft Troll Names

World of Warcraft Troll Names

Create a unique name for your World of Warcraft troll character. Choose a starting letter, a desired theme, and our generator will create 50 perfectly fitting names for your character.

World Of Warcraft

Troll Names

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Vibe / Sound

Table of Contents

Ultimate Troll Names for Your World of Warcraft Character!

Are you ready to embark on your World of Warcraft adventure as a troll but struggling to find the perfect name that truly reflects the essence and personality of your character? Look no further! Our state-of-the-art World of Warcraft Troll Names Generator is here to lead your character to victory and fame with a name that captures the spirit, mystique, and power of the trolls' lore.

Brainstorming Made Easy with Our World of Warcraft Troll Names Generator

Finding the perfect name for your World of Warcraft troll can be a daunting task, but our generator makes it effortless and enjoyable. Whether you aim for a name that exudes power, humor, or uniqueness, our tool provides an endless well of inspiration, tailored to the theme of your character. Here's a sneak peek into the kind of names you can expect:

Our Favorite World of Warcraft Troll Names from Each Category

Unique NamesCool NamesFunny NamesPowerful Names
Zul'gurubMalakaiVol'jinwaHakkar the Soulflayer
ZanzilShadowhunterJin'rokh the BreakerAmani Hexlord
Kaz'kahDrakkariHexelonRokhan, Champion of the Darkspear
HexarnakHexbladeBladetuskBloodlord Mandokir

List of 50 Unique Troll Names

  1. Zul'gurub
  2. Zanzil
  3. Kaz'kah
  4. Hexarnak
  5. Zen'tabra
  6. Bloodscalp
  7. Har'koa
  8. Jin'thek
  9. Sen'jin
  10. Zanzibar
  11. Mandokir
  12. Zul'jin
  13. Zen'tabra
  14. Zalazane
  15. Hexx
  16. Rokhan
  17. Jeklik
  18. Kazrah
  19. Shadra
  20. Grom'gol
  21. Sul'thraze
  22. Rastakhan
  23. Zanzil
  24. Gan'zulah
  25. Xal'atath
  26. Akunda
  27. Zathros
  28. Zekhan
  29. Kil'ruk
  30. Kazan
  31. Jin'thek
  32. Zanako
  33. Zalazane
  34. Kar'gor
  35. Zalas
  36. Kargath
  37. Kazara
  38. Jeklik
  39. Sul'dam
  40. Hexaron
  41. Krag'wa
  42. Kraka
  43. Zul'jin
  44. Hex'tor
  45. Kazthera
  46. Akunda
  47. Xantos
  48. Zekhan
  49. Kilrogg
  50. Kazano

List of 50 Cool Troll Names

  1. Malakai
  2. Shadowhunter
  3. Drakkari
  4. Hexblade
  5. Rastakhan
  6. Stormchaser
  7. Shadowslayer
  8. Bloodfang
  9. Zul'rohk
  10. Hexbringer
  11. Bloodhunter
  12. Hexthorn
  13. Zandalar
  14. Thunderbearer
  15. Darktusk
  16. Bloodravager
  17. Soulrender
  18. Hexgrip
  19. Venomshade
  20. Rumblehorn
  21. Stormshroud
  22. Scorchmane
  23. Shadowfang
  24. Stormclaw
  25. Boneshadow
  26. Skullsplitter
  27. Hexchaser
  28. Darkdelver
  29. Stormfury
  30. Hexbreaker
  31. Shadowlurker
  32. Malakai
  33. Thunderfury
  34. Stormhoof
  35. Hexwalker
  36. Bloodhowler
  37. Shadowstrider
  38. Nightshade
  39. Hexrider
  40. Frostmane
  41. Thunderaxe
  42. Thunderbringer
  43. Malakai
  44. Skulkbreaker
  45. Hexstrike
  46. Skulkbringer
  47. Shadowvenge
  48. Bloodrender
  49. Thunderbreaker
  50. Hexbane

List of 50 Funny Troll Names

  1. Vol'jinwa
  2. Jin'rokh the Breaker
  3. Hexelon
  4. Darkspear
  5. Mojo
  6. Grom'gol
  7. Bladetusk
  8. Zul'rohk
  9. Wileypaw
  10. Rokhan, Champion of the Darkspear
  11. Eyeblaster
  12. Zanzibar
  13. Jin'rokh the Bonkering
  14. Zanzil the Dingbat
  15. Hexy
  16. Zappytoes
  17. Shadrazap
  18. Boomfizzle
  19. Gigglesnort
  20. Skulksnicker
  21. Zul'dozer
  22. Grom'giggles
  23. Bladetwinkle
  24. Knucklecracker
  25. Hexzipper
  26. Trolloodle
  27. Spookzilla
  28. Zippywrench
  29. Zugschmuck
  30. Rokhan the Prankster
  31. Hexmuffin
  32. Zippysnatch
  33. Bladephloof
  34. Jin'rokh, the Knockover
  35. Zanzibar the Noser
  36. Grom'gurgle
  37. MojoDoodle
  38. Shadrawhacker
  39. Boomchuckle
  40. Giggleflame
  41. Skulltwiz
  42. Bladethunder
  43. Hexysnicker
  44. Skullsnatch
  45. Zanzil, the Mischief Maker
  46. Jin'rokh the Krazed
  47. Grom'gigglesnort
  48. Hexwobble
  49. Zippyflap
  50. Rokhan the Tickler

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does the World of Warcraft Troll Names Generator work?

A: You can select a starting letter and a desired theme for the name. Once you've made your selections, the generator will provide you with 50 unique troll names that meet your criteria.

Q: Can I use the generated names directly in World of Warcraft?

A: Absolutely! Our generator creates names that can be used in the game right away. However, keep in mind that some names might already be taken due to the popularity of World of Warcraft. In such cases, you can modify the generated name or use it as inspiration to create your own.

Q: Is the name generator free to use?

A: Yes, our World of Warcraft Troll Names Generator is completely free of charge. We believe in giving gamers the opportunity to find names that truly represent their characters' essence without any barriers.
